Colorado’s valuable new water delivery project
“Water and other products have been efficiently and safely transported in large-diameter, cross-country pipelines for decades, and while the Water Horse Project may be the nation’s largest proposed water pipeline, it won’t be the last. Growing demand will require innovative solutions like this.”

Proposed Pipeline Route
The Water Horse Project is a privately-funded, proposed pipeline that will deliver a minimum 55,000 acre feet annually of new water supply 365 days a year to Colorado’s Front Range from the Green River/Flaming Gorge Reservoir system in Utah & Wyoming.
This new water supply has two significant benefits over current water supplies:
Will not be constrained by user’s existing senior rights or by user/district boundaries.
Can be used multiple times to extinction for all beneficial uses.

The 338-mile underground pipeline project creates additional economic and environmental benefits:
Improves environmental in-stream flows on the Cache La Poudre and South Platte Rivers and promotes agricultural expansion.
Provides economic stimulus to local economies during construction along the pipeline route.
Facilitates use of existing under-used water storage reservoirs as well as potential new reservoirs.
Allows for in-line renewable hydropower generation as the water descends from the Rocky Mountains.
When completed, the Water Horse Project will take approximately 1.3% of native flows out of the Green River – about one-tenth of the 500,000 acre-feet of water that the federal government recently approved removing from Flaming Gorge Reservoir to refill Arizona’s Lake Powell.
The company’s strategic partners include Fortune 500 national infrastructure engineering company MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ), which will lead the Water Horse Project construction under the leadership of a new president.